Note that your support can come in cash or kind. Let’s say you have exclusive knowledge about the coronavirus, you could assist us by holding informative seminars in your neighborhood as regards how families can stay safe during this period. Or you probably know how to make homemade sanitizers; you could make some and distribute it around your neighborhood. This simple act of kindness can go a long way in curbing the spread of the virus tremendously.
If you also have a massive following on social media, you could also make posts on how people can stay safe in this critical period.
However, we know that the populations that are affected by wars or protracted crises will be more vulnerable to the pandemic’s impact. These areas include countries like Syria, Yemen, and DR Congo. We understand that such countries need serious assistance, and we are poised at meeting the extraordinary demands of these nations.
But we can’t do this alone, which is why we are soliciting for support from anyone who understands the plight of the residents in such nations. This is one of the reasons why we have some ongoing health projects in DR Congo and other neighboring countries. Your donations will be immensely appreciated. This is an opportunity to salvage someone or some people from the impact of this pandemic.
No one has to live in fear, but the pandemic is undoubtedly taking its toll on us all. We can change that today by giving towards a worthy course. Together, we can help make the world healthy again.
With you, we can jointly alleviate the impact of coronavirus, Donate Today to secure the needy tomorrow!