Chronic malnutrition endangers the health and development of a third of the world’s population, most especially children, nursing mothers, and pregnant women. When you donate to eradicate hunger, you’re helping the world thrive and survive.

Chronic malnutrition also results from deficiencies in folic acid, vitamin A, and other micronutrients that people in developed countries typically consume in their everyday diets. You may be surprised to know that lack of iodine is the foremostavoidable cause of academic and cognitive disabilities worldwide.

Folic acid deficiency is one of the leading blood shortness, and vitamin A deficiency is one of the most crucial causes of avoidable blindness in kids. Inadequate nutrition/feeding in the initial 2-3 years of a child’s life can hinder his/her growth. This condition can be linked to poor academic performance and impaired cognitive ability. Most global 0-5 year deaths are a result of malnutrition.

These dire circumstances can be prevented with laser-focused, cost-efficient interventions. These include food fortification, which can only come from consistent assistance to areas strongly affected by poverty. At GHO, we are all about eradicating poverty to the barest minimum. A lot of foods are wasted while some regions in underdeveloped countries suffer from malnutrition.

Furthermore, the World Bank posits that there isn’t any functional technology that provides the opportunity to assist and save lives in a short time like micronutrient fortification. As basic as food might be, it is lacked in most regions, and devastatingly, it has been the cause of most deaths worldwide. This is why we’ve assisted over 100 families with food and jobs to enable them to cater to their basic needs.

Little Things Count

Little drops of water make a mighty ocean; your little assistance will go a long way in erasing poverty from many homes and invariably steer up love and hope in their hearts. Synergized effort is the way out of poverty. There are so many impoverished countries that don’t know where their next-day meal is coming from. With the little you give, you’ll marvel at the happiness your kindness will be infecting these countries with. Join hands with GHO, and let’s spread hopecompassion, and love across the impoverished regions by giving. Let love lead.

With GHO, we save lives, give hope, and build a bright future

Get Involved


In our quest to make this world a better place for all, GHO requires the service of kindhearted individuals who can render selfless assistance towards our vision. These voluntary supports will help us cover more areas that are in dire needs of human touch. If you’re passionate about bringing smiles to the faces of the underprivileged, we need you as part of GHO’s indispensable team.




Get Involved


In our quest to make this world a better place for all, GHO requires the service of kindhearted individuals who can render selfless assistance towards our vision. These voluntary supports will help us cover more areas that are in dire needs of human touch. If you’re passionate about bringing smiles to the faces of the underprivileged, we need you as part of GHO’s indispensable team.




Contact Us

If you wish to learn more about our charitable organization, don’t hesitate to reach out to us as we are a receptive organization. We will also appreciate any idea you may have as regards how we can serve humanity better.

Do You Have Any Queries?

Feel free to contact us on the given details.

PO Box 451011
Omaha Ne 68145
531 999 2181
11 allée de Candolle
France Orléans 45100
+33 633 941141
DR Congo
132 Bus Avenue Lumene
Quartier : Foire. / Commune de Lemba, DR Congo
+243 812 215 748